Some Famous Love Letters

It is so good to read a well written love letter. Even simple words can express one’s feelings towards a significant other. Found below are some famous love letters provided by significant people. These people excel or paved a mark on different fields. Nonetheless, they are still bounded in one common piece of knowledge. That is to love. These love letters do not just expresses their sentiments but also shows a lot of the author’s character.

You have touched me more profoundly than I thought even you could have touched me - my heart was full when you came here today.
Henceforward I am yours for everything.

By Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Elizabeth Barett Browning was able to express her feelings towards the other person by stating that man was able to touch her heart. It is like waiting for someone to fill your empty glass and make it full. She did not expect it from her significant other but the man provided it unexpectedly. It results to her satisfaction. It feels like you thirst for love and the other person tries to complete you.

Dearest if you are as fond of me as I am of you...nothing human could keep us long apart.
This last week has seemed an eternity tome; Oh, I would give my soul for another of those days we had together not long ago.

My first and only love. Believe me ever to be.

By Lord Randolph Churchill

This letter by Lord Randolph Churchill shows his longing for the woman in his life. The letter served as the channel in which he was able to thank her for spending her fruitful time with him. He describes the woman as someone who completes his soul. With this, the woman was considered to be her soul mate. He also discussed that no person could tear their love apart as long as the two continue to love each other.

Oh, now you are mine! At last you are mine! Soon -- in a few months, perhaps, my angel will sleep in my arms, will awaken in my arms, will live there.

All your thoughts at all moments, all your looks will be for me; all my thoughts, all my moments, all my looks, will be for you!

Adieu, my angel, my beloved Adele! Adieu!

Still I am far from you, but I can dream of you.

Soon perhaps you will be at my side.       

Adieu; pardon the delirium of your husband who embraces you, and who adores you, both for this life and another.

By Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo mainly expressed his happiness due to the reason that the love of his life began to care for him. The woman must have accepted his love and thus caused him eternal happiness. Here, he provided some sweet actions and things that he will provide just to make the woman happy. Also, he pointed out that only the women will posses his mind. She will continue running in his mind even up to his dream.

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